I was going to start the year long challenge on my birthday May first... but as life would have it, just didn't work out. My family traveled down to Mississippi where my husbands parents were, where my father-in-.law was trying to recover from a serious reaction to,heart medication. Life has thrown many obstacles in our path lately, in fact this whole year. Somehow we always make the best of it, the most, and always make it through. My daughter Kailyn brings our family strength, love and pure joy. Children have this way of distracting you from the negative by bringing you so many positives, by bringing you joy. They don't even have to try, it's just natural and it's who they are.
My first images for the challenge are of this pure joy that I describe above. You can see the clear look of it in her eyes, the bright shining stars that they are. Even on the hardest days in life, children have the power to show you the light at the end of the tunnel.

Kailyn is such a precious person. It will bring her JOY as she grows up to see her mama working hard to do what she dreams, and what means most to her. The Tasra Challenge sounds like a cool idea.