A little girl anticipating her future and beaming at the sight of herself is a very enjoyable experience to witness. I had the opportunity today to photograph Madison, who I always love shooting. She is so photogenic. It is impossible to believe this little darling is only 9 years old. Needless to say she is going to be a little heart-breaker.

Madison had fun playing dress up in a real wedding dress today at her BeBe's (grandma) bridal store in Centerville, Athena's Bridal. How cool would it be for your grandma to own a bridal store? I think that would be a little girls dream. So many girls anticipate that day from the time they are wee ones. Maddy literally glowed with excitement as she gazed at her beautiful reflection in the mirror. All little girls need a chance to just daydream and be a kid.

I think it was a little hard for all of us to see her dressing up in a wedding dress anticipating that day WAY in the future, especially her papa! Being a mother of a two year old- my husband and I figure our daughter will be allowed to date around age 25. So it will inevitably be after she turns 25 until she's married- but that's ok, we are good with that. ;) There is something that makes it really hard to see your little girl grow up, or your granddaughter. So while we had so much fun watching Maddy play dress up and day dream about her future for a little while today, we feel good knowing she is with Papa and BeBe this evening watching the new Shrek movie. A perfect place for a little girl to be.
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